A Pickle for the Knowing Ones

Or Plain Truths in a Homespun Dress

by Lord Timothy Dexter

I'd like to write a review for this book but I honestly don't have it in me right now. I'm still exhausted from trying to read it.

If by some mistake you have happened upon this magnificent travesty and are bound and determined to make sense of it, your best bet is to read it aloud. Most of the words are spelled phonetically in an accent that no longer truly exists. Many pages contain no punctuation and one page contains ONLY punctuation (to be inserted wherever the reader sees fit). This might almost be fun if deciphering it revealed any sort of content but uhhh it doesn't.

Still, it's fucking fascinating. I'll give it that.

I'd recommend this book to my worst enemy and literally no one else.

PS: Lord Dexter himself was quite a character. If you've never heard of this eccentric fellow, I recommend this article. 

EM Jeanmougin 

writes Queer Urban Fantasy, Flash Horror, & Poetry.

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