Good Doing Evil

by  Wilde Blue Sky

Good Doing Evil is a fast-paced spy thriller about an everyman named Arthur. Arthur is a bright engineer and nice enough guy, but he suffers from a lack of confidence and unwillingness to stand up for himself. However, when a car accident leads to his getting mixed up with a group of terrorists, Arthur is forced to grow up and face his fears.

I thought this books was a good quick read. The two main characters, Arthur and Dario, are both interesting and relatable in their own ways. There's plenty of action and intrigue and even a few laughs.

I did feel that certain bits seemed a bit rushed, particularly towards the third act which I thought could have used a bit more breathing room, but was nonetheless satisfying. There are a few errors here and there, but nothing that bothered me so much it pulled me out of the story.

Overall a good, solid fish-out-of-water story. I'd recommend to anyone who is a fan of espionage or action.

EM Jeanmougin 

writes Queer Urban Fantasy, Flash Horror, & Poetry.

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