The I Ching Illustrated

by Kieron Connelly

Found this beautiful edition at a local Book Annex for $17. Regular Amazon price: $43.24.

Someone clearly put a lot of love into the formatting and design. I will probably always prefer physical copies, but I often end up buying digital due to price constraints. This is one book you definitely have to have a physical version to get the full effect.

Sections are interspersed with beautiful high quality photos of famous art. Pages are double-folded to give them a hefty, antique feel. Sections are condensed and simplified into easy-to-digest chunks. Consultation instructions included.

Perhaps not the best for every day use and probably neither the most through, but +10 points for showmanship. Ideal for a coffee table or shelf display. Eye-catching for those using to practice divination. Might make a nice gift.

EM Jeanmougin 

writes Queer Urban Fantasy, Flash Horror, & Poetry.

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