West African Folktales

Edited by: Jake Jackon

"And even now, whenever a man wishes to tell a story for the entertainment of his people, he must acknowledge first of all, that the tale is a great gift, given to him by Anansi, the spider."

I'm not an expert but I've read a lot of these before and I feel like there's probably other collections out there that contain more/better versions/translations of some, particularly the Spider and Tortoise stories. 

I got this collection from Half-Price Books for $2.99. 

It isn't the best of the "The World's Greatest Myths and Legends" series, but if you like the Trickster archetype and/or aren't familiar with the region's folklore, this is an okay place to start.

EM Jeanmougin 

writes Queer Urban Fantasy, Flash Horror, & Poetry.

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